Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Bouncing Ball Tutorial

So the first assignment we had to do was make a bouncing ball that went through a static hoop. Since we did it in class, the tutorial was pretty easy. Making the ball and such was simple enough, and the animation using keyframes is a relatively easy concept to grasp once you have a handle on the idea.

After I was done, I decided to continue playing with the program, and added a few more things. To start, rather than have the ball begin on the ground, I added a ramp that it roles off of, onto the floor to begin the bounce. Then, I gave the hoop keyframes to rotate around. Then, to keep a bit of realism, the bouncing of the ball fades into a roll. I also added a wall at the end that the ball runs into and bounces back the other way.

Around this point, the lack of rotation of the ball bugged me, so I added in keyframes to make the ball rotate. I made sure to make the ball rotate back the other way once it ran into the wall. The rotation, however, screwed up the deformer, so I took it out. Here are some screen shots from different angles of the finished product.

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